Tips for Designing an Effective Leaflet

Here on the Direct Letterbox Marketing blog we have often written about the process of leafleting. But what about the leaflets themselves? Our Solus leaflet distribution is an efficient delivery service that is optimised to target appropriate areas, but a lot of the success of a campaign relies on how effective your leaflet is. We can deliver to the right people at the right times, and in the right manner, but if your leaflet is poor quality then it won’t achieve the desired results. If you want to know the secrets of eye-catching and persuasive leaflets, then read on…

Size does Matter. The best leaflets are A5 size, B6 or DL size; which is a third of A4. The size is important because it can be easily pocketed. If kept in a recipient’s house it won’t take up much room on a notice board. Leaflets can simply be one sided if you’re on a budget, folded in half like a pamphlet, or divided into thirds a bit like a menu. It all depends on your budget, how much you have to say, and how long you think you can sustain your audience’s attention.

It all rides on the headline. You will only keep the audience engaged if the headline is interesting or tempting. Choose a few snappy words that are positive and in active voice. Words such as ‘free’, ‘best’, ‘new’, and ‘you’ are effective. You can also use adjectives or superlatives in the title. Use a large text that takes up the first quarter of a page, and chose a font that reflects the nature of your business.

Guide the eye through the page. Layout is very important. Culturally, we have been trained to start at the top and work down, with the eye taking a path from top left to bottom right. The least ‘noticed’ area is the top right area, so instead of writing vital information here, place a colourful and relevant picture. Don’t be afraid to place a picture in the background and position writing over it if you’re struggling for space. Break your information into small paragraphs, and even bullet points, when it comes to outlining benefits or services.

Use the power of words. When choosing the content, keep your audience in mind; how can you prove to them you’re the company they want to use? The AIDA principal – attention, interest, desire and action – is a good framework for picking wise words. Focus on all of your positive aspects; what is your unique selling point, what are you offering people etc. Avoid excessive writing, just focus on the basics and don’t be afraid to use bullet points.

Incentives prolong interest. Once we’ve delivered your leaflets for you, the last thing you want your recipients to do is throw the leaflet away. Clear and persuasive information may be enough to keep the audience reading, but it won’t guarantee that they’ll keep the leaflet. If people have a reason to hang on to it, they’re more likely to use your business at a later date. Incentives include free gifts, vouchers for free entry, coupons on percentages off in store, or even competitions to win something exciting. All these methods will ensure you gain custom from people taking advantage of the offers.

So there you have it. These tips will hopefully help you to design an effective leaflet. Don’t forget that, if you don’t have the time, we can design and print the leaflets for you. You can count on us to design an effective leaflet, and then deliver them efficiently to achieve optimum results.

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