The Importance of Identity: What’s in a Name

When it comes to your new business venture, one of the first things you’ll find yourself agonising over is the name of your company. Even those who’ve been in the business a long time might still question whether they made the right call. In fact, naming the actual company can be a major stumbling block for aspiring entrepreneurs. And when it’s the name that’s going to define you, the name that’ll appear on the high street, on the internet and on marketing literature, you want to make sure you nail it first time.

So what’s in a name? Well, pretty much everything, as it happens. When it comes to business, it’s definitely not a case of ‘a rose by any other name smells just as sweet.’ Your company identity can literally mean the difference between failure and success. When it comes to creating an awesome name for your company experts are divided – as experts so often are. Some reckon it’s best to be informative with your name; others believe you need to go for a more abstract title. And a quick shufti at your local high street will show you that actually both are fine.

The first thing you’ll want to do is brainstorm pretty much every name you can think of, anything goes at this point. And once you’ve exhausted that, start narrowing it down. You may be tempted to crowdsource, and that’s cool, but don’t be too reliant on it. After all, who knows your business better? You or your Facebook friends? If you’re looking for an outside opinion, make sure it’s from a professional – they’ll be able to show you the pros and cons of your awesome name.

The crucial factor is that your company’s name should utterly encapsulate your business personality. So if you’re a fun and funky interior design company, you may want something a little more creative than just ‘Marlowe Interior Designers’. And vice versa if you’re working in a more serious industry. You’ll be looking for something which highlights your professionalism.

Be memorable. You want to stick in your customers’ heads long after they’ve exited your store or X-ed out of your website. And taking that a step further, don’t be afraid to be original. A dash of originality can really show your customers that you’re absolutely enthusiastic about your start-up. But… Ah, there’s always a but…

But don’t be too clever about your company name. I mean, be clever, sure, but not too clever. Because not only is there a risk of coming off as arrogant and off-putting to potential clients, it might also totally fail to work. It’s the equivalent of telling a joke down the pub that no-one laughs at, except you. Just embarrassing. There’s another major no-no too. Don’t follow trends – the 90’s was littered with E-this and E-that to capitalise on that internet boom. How many of those companies are around today? And of those few, what do you think when you see them? That they’re outdated, right?

Most of all though, trust your instincts. Remember, it’s your business – you’ll know what works. And when you’re ready, we’re on hand to market your business to the right people. Here at Direct Letterbox Marketing we’ve got you covered, from demographic profiling to leaflet distribution. For more info about our services, please contact us on 0800 028 6353 and our team will be more than happy to help.

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