The Importance of Brand Ambassadors: It’s Who You Know

Previously on our blog we discussed the seriously important aspect of brand mascots. You know, those goofy little characters who act as a visual personality for your company. This time we’re going to look at their human counterparts, the brand ambassador.

We live in a world that worships at the altar of celebrity, right? The Gods of yore have been replaced with the faces of actresses, footballers, models and even politicians who crave fame and fortune above all else. And it’s no surprise that they’ve been utilised now to advertise everything from perfumes to grills – we’re looking at you, George Foreman!


In fact, it’s hard to understate the importance of brand ambassadors in this day and age. Just to pluck an example out of the clear blue sky, take J Crew, the American clothing brand. They were on a serious downward sales slope right up until some cool dame you might have heard off, Michelle Obama, was pictured wearing their clothes. Sales sky-rocketed.

Ok, so most small businesses are unlikely to have the star pulling-power to entice the First Lady of the United States, but that’s not to say there aren’t other options. After all, brand ambassadors are an excellent way of humanising your products. If a local celebrity frequents your establishment or purchases your products, don’t be afraid to approach their team for a quote – it’s a valuable promotional tool for both parties involved. You could even use social media as a means to establish a connection, and get a great quote for your direct marketing campaign.

Humans are, by their nature, impressionable. We like to mimic the actions of others, those we can relate to or aspire to be like. And that, right there, is where the power of the ambassador comes in. They essentially act as hyper-testimonials, a stamp of quality. Choosing the right ambassador for your company isn’t a case of fingers crossed. Consider this: Harrods is unlikely to use professional oxygen thief and sometime reality TV ‘star’ Amy Childs to front their campaign; whereas the erudite Stephen Fry or the ever-elegant Emma Thompson are perfect matches for their brand. Think about your company, what it stands for, what’s the personality you want to sell to the world.


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