Going green with door drops in 2020!

We’ve entered a new year and it’s time to see what advertising medium is best to spend the budget on without upsetting Greta or the environment!

Going greener! it’s a topic that can’t be ignored and the print industry has historically attracted the blame for “Destroying rainforests” leaving door drops feeling cornered for the most vitriolic criticism.  This criticism is unfair as the printing industry uses paper that has been vetted by the F.S.C (Forest Stewardship Council) The FSC system allows businesses and consumers to identify, purchase and use wood, paper and other forest products made with materials from well-managed forests and/or recycled sources.  As we all know, once a door drop has been read, offers have been redeemed or it’s outlived it’s life by being pinned to the fridge, that nearly all door drops will be recycled.

Door drops can go one better and utilise the services of carbon capture to positively and responsibly to reduce carbon emissions and support a more sustainable environment. Before printing your campaign, research into companies that provide a carbon capture certificate. This will show your business is involved in a credible carbon removal scheme which is run by the woodland trust and a voluntary way of mitigating your emissions by planting trees right here in the UK. 

Our environmental credentials and why “printing through DLM doesn’t cost the earth”

It’s important to as a company to acknowledge that global environmental changes need to be made NOW, but we have been making changes, some small, some large for over 15 years. As a responsible, socially aware company, we have always selected a chosen supplier that operate “best practice” in everything we do, and environmental issues have always been a high priority.

What is Carbon Capture?

Our printers signed up to a ‘Carbon Capture’ scheme that is organised through our paper merchant in association with the woodland trust. The Carbon Capture process works as follows: All paper purchased through the paper supplier has a small tariff attached, this tariff is passed on to the Woodland Trust who then use the money to plant new deciduous trees and forests in the UK, the idea being that the planting of new trees offsets the energy/carbon used to manufacture the paper. We are able to provide our clients with carbon capture data which they use towards the reduction of their organisations carbon footprint.

FSC Overview

FCS certified paper is paper that has been harvested in a responsible manner from forests of crop trees. As these trees are grown as a crop, as with other crops, once harvested, new replacement trees are planted. Paper from these sources carries the FSC certification which, is in affect, a chain of ownership from forest through to printer.

We are looking forward to working with you in 2020 and continuing to ensure that Print and Paper remains a versatile, effective and powerful means of marketing and communication!

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Royal Mail Door to Door
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