Creativity Is Key: Innovative Leaflet Design (Part 2)

In today’s world colour catches the eye and it sells. In our last post, we looked at some of the most innovative and creative leaflet designs of the modern day – and showed the lack of limitations you are faced with as a company that wants to market itself well.

Leaflet design can be a powerful thing and when creatively designed can catch the viewer’s eye and keep it reading.

Here are a few more of the most inspiring and exciting concepts of leaflet design. Note the influences of modern print with the use of large headers, negative space and the use of typography.

WildLife Brigade

This pocket folder is a clear and informative piece of advertisement, complementing both the information and company brand. The package contains a brochure, a business card and a call to action. Clean in style and design, the simplistic design demonstrates an easy-to-read brochure that draws attention whilst looking modern and sleek. The use of negative space complements the overall feel of the brochure and company style, and really brings out the colour within the imagery and contemporary aesthetic.

Konami Gaming KP3

Konami Gaming aimed to bring their new release game to life with this 3D brochure, experimenting with colour, gaming characters and gaming locations in order to intrigue the audience into wanting to purchase the game with only minimal text. The front face displays the simple white text “The only thing captivating about this flat lifeless brochure is what happens when you open it” on a monochrome black background. It’s simple exterior fully complements the explosion of pop-up detailing when the leaflet is opened, and completely persuades the viewer via strong imagery.


Prism – Helvetia


A simplistic yet eye-catching and well designed leaflet, showcasing the new A/W collection from the fashion label ‘Prism’. The main design influence is the ever-popular contemporary triangle design which has become a noticeable trend in graphic design styles, and displays strong and tonal-palette imagery throughout. A natural and saturated colour scheme complements the white space and allows the delicate typeface to be readable without disrupting the strong visual theme.

Here at Direct Letterbox Marketing, we are proud to be one of the UK’s leaders in leaflet delivery and distribution on behalf of our clients. We believe only high quality and successful marketing can enhance a company profile and we aim to provide the highest standard in marketing advice and services. For further information please feel free to contact our friendly team on 0800 028 6353 or drop us an email at

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